

1、日常英语对话带翻译篇一 杨: My wife always plains when I *** oke. She says *** oking is the worst thing.我的太太在我抽菸的时候一直抱怨。她说抽菸是最坏的事情。

2、英语对话短文带翻译篇一 Lily: Ann,what are you doing?安,你在干什么呢?Ann: I’m reading a play.我在读一个剧本。

3、经典英语对话范文带翻译篇1 be off the beam 走歪门邪道 【讲解】off the beam的本义是脱离方向,由此,该习语引申为离开了正路,步人歧途。

4、简单英语对话短文带翻译篇一 A:It seems to me that you fall for good-looking guys.A:好像你挺喜欢帅小伙的。B:Yeah.B:是的。

5、有关于英语对话带翻译篇一 Girl: Dear aunty, could you give me a share of tomato catsup?阿姨,能给我一份番茄酱吗?Chuck: OK, good boy. Here you are.好的,好孩子,给你。


关于英语对话范文篇一 A: Will you go the Mathews wedding party this Saturday?你参加马修周六的婚礼吗?B: No unless I get invited. I hate weddings.不去,除非我接到请贴。我讨厌婚礼。

【篇一】关于英语口语对话稿精选 Leo: Recently, it is crazily said that Yike Zeng will go to study in Beijing International Studies University.最近网上疯传曾轶可要去北京第二外国语学院读书了。

【篇一】初中英语口语对话范文 A:Do you like China?A:你喜欢中国吗?B:Yes,I like it very much.B:是的,很喜欢。A:Are you used to Chinese food?A:你吃得惯中国的饭菜吗?B:Yes,I am.B:是的,我吃得惯。

关于简单的英语对话短文篇1 Bryan和Cherry刚看完一场演唱会,正在谈论喜欢偶像的原因,还讨论了如何加入粉丝俱乐部。


1、【篇一】初中英语口语对话范文 A:Do you like China?A:你喜欢中国吗?B:Yes,I like it very much.B:是的,很喜欢。A:Are you used to Chinese food?A:你吃得惯中国的饭菜吗?B:Yes,I am.B:是的,我吃得惯。

2、我想把这笔钱存到银行里。I want to deposit this money in the bank。现在利息很高,我们应该在银行存点钱。The interest is rather high, so we should save some money in the bank。我们没有钱可以攒起来。

3、晚餐吃什么?What’s for supper?你早餐想吃什么?What would you like to have for breakfast?差不多做好了。It’s almost ready。你想喝咖啡、果汁还是牛奶?Would you like some coffee, juice or milk?早餐准备好了。


5、【篇一】关于英语口语对话稿精选 Leo: Recently, it is crazily said that Yike Zeng will go to study in Beijing International Studies University.最近网上疯传曾轶可要去北京第二外国语学院读书了。

6、初中英语对话材料篇一 A:I need a little help. Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum?A:我有点事想麻烦您。


1、【篇一】关于日常生活的英语口语情景对话 Todd: OK. Hello! 你好! Kevin: Hi! How you doing? 嗨!你好吗? Todd: Im doing pretty good. 我很好。

2、经典句型:The maple is the national tree of Canada,and also the symbol of Canadians. 枫树是加拿大的国树,也是加拿大民族的象征。

3、关于英文情景对话篇1 How fresh you are looking! I think that you have had a refreshing sleep.您看上去精神很好!我想您一定是睡了一个解乏的好觉。Yes, thank you.是的,谢谢。

4、日常英语口语的对话情景 Mr. Jones: Mary! I haven’t seen you since our dinner with Mr. Lee last week. Where have you been hiding yourself lately?Mary! 自从上星期我们和李先生吃过饭后就没见到你了。

5、【篇一】关于最常用的英语口语对话 A: So cute. Their babys photos replace wedding photos in a twinkling.好可爱啊,朋友们小宝宝的照片转瞬间取代了婚纱照。

6、日常英语口语的交流对话 英语日常交流口语对话第一部分: Good morning / afternoon / evening表示早晨/下午/晚上好—Im Kathy King表示我是凯西·金。




